Love One Or One Love

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Life is mean to be live instead of debating on its purpose or its existence. In life we live in a moment. Often, we take it moment for grant & convert or remember it as our memories. Then started judging it as a good & bad experience of life.

Life is about experiencing moments & not about tagging them as good or bad.

It happens that something uncertain occur in your life which become bad or terrible experience of your relationship with someone you love. It leads to lot of distress to you. You make yourself clear that this is not for me or I will never have such relationship with someone.

The fact is that you are putting yourself in a box where your experience is the reality but actually it was just an experience not less than a passing wind. You just need to feel it & let go of it. As in first place it means to be pass but you are holding on to it & have strong perception about it that it is bad thing for you.

Try to put yourself out of the box of your experiences. As life is very short for being in that box for long time. You have to get out of it to experience other things. It might happen that you have same experience with second person but in the whole world there will be a one person who share same understanding toward life that you have.

In worst scenery, as that is only one person in this world who share same perception as you have & you didn’t meet that person. It doesn’t mean you need to stop living the moments & experiencing too.

As we all have this life without knowing ourselves why?

There can be a purpose behind you experience it!!

Just try to live before you alive. A person can be your love as it is also an experience but he/she can’t be your life.

We can’t explain life with meaning or experiences.

Its mean to live not to define.

We often here the gems hide in fairy tales but it actually hiding in you. Lot of thing happen with us. Everything happen with you for sake of your good.

It’s so common that you felt bit uncomfortable because it’s a sign that soon you have to leave your comfort zone. Which cage you with its comfort. Just breath in calm down you will be fine with or without comfort zone just be extra careful with yourself & be brave to accept, embrace yourself.